Thursday, March 22, 2012

Converting a SQL Query to a Web page

I have a web site, and want to create a query on it using my current SQl database information, can someone explain to me how this is done? Or just send me a link to where I can get the information.
ThanksI am not entirely sure what you mean. Do you wish to
execute a query from the web site to retrieve data from
the database or send an update query to the database? Or
something else? Also, which server side technology are
you using for the web site? (PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, etc)
David Grant
>--Original Message--
>I have a web site, and want to create a query on it
using my current SQL database information, can someone
explain to me how this is done? Or just send me a link
to where I can get the information.

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