Thursday, March 29, 2012

Converting database from 32-bit SQL Server 2005 to 64-bit version of SQL Server 2005

I recently upgraded to SQL Server 2005. My databases are stable and functioning perfectly. However, these databases are using the 32-bit version of SQL Server. The servers are going to be upgraded to 64-bit processors and new Server 2003 64-bit OS's.

Everything I have been able to find says that it is a simple process of backing up the databases in the 32-bit environment and restoring them in the 64-bit environment.

Could it really be that easy? I am looking for someone who has done this to provide any "heads up" commentary on what to look out for during that process. Can anyone provide some information on this process?


i have migrated SQL Server 2000 32 bit database to SQL Server 20005 64 bit version using backup/restore method. This is the best method to migrate the database i would say. there is nothing special while you restore sql server 2005 32 bit backup in 64 bit server.



Yes it really is that simple. You can either do a backup and restore or a detach and attach. (With large databases and SAN storage the detach and attach is usually easer and you can just move the drives from one server to another.)

If the new server doesn't work out, moving back is just as simple. Backup and Restore or detach and attach.

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