Sunday, March 25, 2012

Converting an Access database

Converting an Access database

I uninstalled sqlserver2005 express and reinstalled sqlserver2005 ctp. Now, everything is in order.

I've just searched books online for convert(conversion) and import(imports, importing).

I see no instructions on how to convert my access 2003 database into an sqlserver database.

It was easy enough in sqlserver 2000. However, I've uninstalled that. Is there a way of coverting in sqlserver 2005? I'm in big trouble if I can't.

A related question. I'm very familiar with Access 2003. So I'll continue to develop the database structure in Access. Can I import the incremental changes? Or do I have to delete the current conversion and re-import(assuming I can) the whole new database each time?


You can use the access upsizing wizard (tools-> database utilities ->upsizing wizard) from within access to push the data. Alternatively, use SSIS from SQL 2005 to import the data from access.


Thank you very much. I had no idea one could do it from Access.

dennist685|||Search as I could, I couldn't find SSIS in sqlserver 2005


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