Thursday, March 29, 2012

Converting Datetime from the Varchar value

I am not sure if this is the correct forum to post to for this but,

I have a stored procedure in the code like so:

dim calensql as string = "sp_scheduleworkfromcal '" & sun & "', '" & mon & "', '" & tue & "', '"
& wed & "', '" & thu & "', '" & fri & "', '" & sat & "', '" & Label1.Text & "', '" & Label2.Text & "', '"
& Label3.Text & "', '" & Label4.Text & "', '" & Label5.Text & "', '" & Label6.Text & "', '" & Label7.Text & "', " & "129"

and then in my stored procedure I have

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_scheduleworkfromcal
(@.sun VarChar(50), @.mon VarChar(50), @.tue VarChar(50), VarChar(50), @.thu VarChar(50),
@.fri VarChar(50), @.sat VarChar(50), @.dsun VarChar(50), @.dmon VarChar(50), @.dtue VarChar(50),
@.dwed VarChar(50), @.dthu VarChar(50), @.dfri VarChar(50), @.dsat VarChar(50), @.userid int)
Declare datetime
If @.sun != '' begin
Update servicerequests set date_scheduled=(Convert(datetime, @.dsun)) where trackingnumber=@.sun
Select = rtrim(retailer) + ' ' + rtrim(storeNumber) from servicerequests where trackingnumber = @.sun
UPDATE CalendarSchedule SET WHERE cal_date=@.dsun AND userid=@.userid
INSERT INTO CalendarSchedule (userid, cal_date, cal_notes) VALUES (@.userid, @.dsun,

and I am getting the error something like
Syntax error converting datetime from character string.

If I change the parameters in the stored procedure to datetime or varchar and get rid of the single quotes, I get incorrect sytax near "/".

I am tracking the sql statement to see where I can fix the problem, but cannot come up with a solution.

can anyone help me out with this one??
EricI think the date format you are trying to create is wrong ... At the location ... Try investigating the line : = rtrim(retailer) + ' ' + rtrim(storeNumber)|||I don't know whether I should use datetime in the values or varchar.
In the two tables
The one the field is a datetime field and in the other table it is a Char(15)

why won't it recognize the sql statement
SQL Statement sp_scheduleworkfromcal '897', '', '', '', '903', '', '', '10/19/2003', '10/20/2003', '10/21/2003', '10/22/2003', '10/23/2003', '10/24/2003', '10/25/2003', 129

thats the trace.

E|||I have tried a variation of your code and am not receiving any errors.

Where exactly are you getting the error? Which line number, and what is the error message exactly?

What are the data types and lengths of the following columns?
-- servicerequests.date_scheduled
-- servicerequests.trackingnumber
-- CalendarSchedule.cal_date

Terri|||servicerequests.date_scheduled datetime(8)
servicerequests.trackingnumber bigint(8)
CalendarSchedule.cal_date datetime(8)

I am getting the error on the
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() line
and the error is as follows:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Syntax error converting datetime from character string.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
I changed the values of the textboxes from the page in the sproc from VarChar(50) to datetime as well as the data type in the CalendarSchedule table from Char(15) to datetime and still am getting the same error.

You say you tried a variation of the code? what about it did you change?
are my datatype's wrong?

E|||I mean labels from Varchar(50) to datetime - not textboxes

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