Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Converting Crystal Report formula to SSRS

Converting Crystal Report formula to SSRS

I've got a formula written in Crystal Reports that I'm trying to re-do in SSRS 2005. I've just been using Crystal Reports for so long, I've got a mental road-block today.

Here is the formula in Crystal Reports:
"EEE", "FFF"]

(It concatonates an asterisk to the end of FIELD2 if FIELD1 contains on of the values in the list.)

In SSRS I'd like to cause an entire row to be bold if FIELD1 contains one of the values in the list.

So in SSRS I'm putting an expression into the FontWeight properties of the TableRow and trying for something (which doesn't work yet) like:
=iif (Fields!FIELD1.Value IN ("AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD", "EEE", "FFF"), "BOLD", "NORMAL")

(SSRS doesn't like the "IN" in the above statement.)

Can anyone offer a suggestion on how to write this for SSRS?




Ok. I found a workable solution. Does anyone have a better suggestion than the following? The below works but it seems it could be done more simply... Any suggestions?

=iif (Fields!FIELD1.Value = "AAA","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "BBB","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "CCC","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "DDD","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "EEE","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "FFF","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "GGG","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "HHH","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "III","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "JJJ","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "KKK","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "LLL","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "MMM","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "NNN","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "OOO","Bold",
iif(Fields!FIELD1.Value = "PPP","Bold",

Take a look at the VB.NET Switch function for more concise syntax. Alternatively, you can code a custom function that parses the field value any way you want.

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