Sunday, March 25, 2012

Converting Access report to Reporting Services


I am trying to convert an Access report where I use expressions to calculate the number of males/females for example.

I have used the following expression, but it always returns an incorrect figure:

=Sum(IIf(Fields!gender.Value ="Female", 1, 0))

When I check the query however it has 46 rows = to 'Female', but when I previes the report it always comes out as 24.

What's causing this?



From your description, it seems the expression doesn't return the right number of those 'Female' field, right?

What I can see is to use a TRIM function to remove all the leading and trailing while-spaces characters from the value in each filed. Sometimes theses leading and trailing white-spaces characters may cause the expression "IIf(Fields!gender.Value = "Female", 1, 0)" returns 0. You may use TRIM to have a try, see the following code:

=Sum(IIf(TRIM(Fields!gender.Value) = "Female", 1, 0))



Thanks, that seems to have worked.
I wasn't aware of the leading and trailing white-spaces.

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