Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Convert XML Date in T-SQL

Our persistent objects use an internal dataset to hold their data. When I
save to SQL Server 2000, I do so in one call to the database sending the XML
representation output from the DataSet.GetXml() method and shredding the XML
values into their tables & columns via T-SQL. Everything works great, except
for converting the default XML DateTime output from the DataSet. The output
is like this: 2004-10-20T16:00:00.0000000-05:00. But the list of compatible
T-SQL formats accepted by CONVERT does not show this format (List found here
The closest format I can see is Style 126: yyyy-mm-dd Thh:mm:ss.mmm. If I
pass the default DataSet XML date format to CONVERT it throws an error. What
I’m currently doing is pre-processing the XML string before sending it to the
database. I iterate through each known date field and convert the value
before sending to SQL Server. This seems unnecessary, but it also seems
unnecessary that the default ADO XML date output is by all appearances
incompatible with SQL Server’s T-SQL CONVERT function. What am I missing
here? Know any ideas?
Hello, MPalmer78!
You wrote on Thu, 21 Oct 2004 09:24:23 -0700:
[Sorry, skipped]
See KB811767.
With best regards, Alex Shirshov.

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