Saturday, February 25, 2012

Convert numbers to Month Name

I have a stupid field in my database that doesn't hold a date but I have to use it to determine the month in my Chart in SSRS 2005. So for example, check this out:

Ok, so how can I change those numbers to the Month Name? I tried MonthName() around my field in the expression builder, but that's only for a datetime field.

Write a UDF with input as int month and return it as varchar month. Use 13 CASE statements (12 for 12 months and 1 for error)|||

How about something like convert(datetime,'2006' + <fieldname> + '01') within your SQL statement?

for padding 0's

select convert(datetime,'2006' + fieldname + '01')
( select case <fieldname> when > 9 then <fieldname> else '0' + convert(char(1),<fieldname>) end fieldname ) derivedtable1


The function MonthName, in SRSS2005, accepts an Integer parameter, so I'm not sure I understood the question.

|||hmm, then I wonder why that didn't work...MonthName(fieldname)|||

Paulo X , look at the link to my chart above. Those are integer values coming in from my dataset on a field in our DB table called systemmonth. Don't ask me why they did it that way but I need to take those values and convert them to Month Names....hopeing to do this either through SQL or preferably using a function in Reporting Server 2005 as you stated. I tried wrapping the systemmonth like this but it didn't have any affect:



this is what I'm talking about, I put this in as a category group field and created this expression behind it:



What happens when you use MonthName? Is there any error message?
You say that you have used the MonthName function into the group expression. You must used it also in the Label expression! In fact, you may use MonthName only in the Label, you don't need to use it to group data.




Just try

=Monthname(1) or


Is it working. then assign your field values. the second statement also works.


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