I need to convert a vb function into a user-defined function in a stored procedure.
The vb function converts a long datatype into Date datatype.
Here is the VB function:
Function LongToTime(lTime As Long) As Date
LongToTime = (lTime \ 10000) / 24 + ((lTime Mod 10000) \ 100) / 1440 + (lTime Mod 100) / 86400
End Function
The function is used to convert a timestamp(hhmmss) into a more readable format.
Would it be possible to create a function similar to this in SQL?
there is no mod function in sql server
you have to use %
i think you can go ahead from here
% (Modulo)
Provides the remainder of one number divided by another.
dividend % divisor
Is the numeric expression to divide. dividend must be any valid Microsoft? SQL Server? expression of the integer data type category. (A modulo is the integer that remains after two integers are divided.)
Is the numeric expression to divide the dividend by. divisor must be any valid SQL Server expression of any of the data types of the integer data type category.
Result Types
The modulo arithmetic operator can be used in the select list of the SELECT statement with any combination of column names, numeric constants, or any valid expression of the integer data type category.
This example returns the book title number and any modulo (remainder) of dividing the price (converted to an integer value) of each book into the total yearly sales (ytd_sales * price).
USE pubsGO
SELECT title_id,
CAST((ytd_sales * price) AS int) % CAST(price AS int) AS Modulo
FROM titles
WHERE price IS NOT NULL and type = 'trad_cook'
ORDER BY title_id
|||declare @.lTime as intselect @.lTime = 153459
select convert(datetime, stuff(stuff(convert(varchar(6), @.lTime), 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':'))
result : 1900-01-01 15:34:59.000
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