I am developing a web page for users to input data records. I am seeking the fastest way that users can upload their MS Excel files and the system can help data insertion into one data table. I know XML can insert data records into SQL database easily. Could any one give me some ideas how to perform this issue? Thanks a lot.
If you are using excel, you don't need to transform to xml. You can load data directly from excel file.
INSERT YourTable(...)
FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Data Source="c:\YourExcelFile.xls";User ID=Admin;Password=;Extended properties=Excel 5.0')...[YourSheetName]
1) Save your excel file in XML format
2) create YourTable(xml_excel xml)
3) Run
INSERT YourTable(xml_excel)
select cast(x as xml) from openrowset(bulk 'dir_path_to_excel_xml_file', single_blob) as t(x)
|||Thanks a lot! Could there be any sample code somewhere? I hardly find one suit into my case. The process should be:
1) Upload Excel file (Will be grateful if users can directly import.)
2) System Import data from specific data column in Excel to MS SQL table
A pre-define Excel workbook is provided for users.|||
I would like to convert the MS Excel file to XML on the server, rather than training users to export in XML format. Also, users may not all have Excel 2003.
Is there a way to convert on a server?
Another method is to use a third party tool, like the FarPoint Spread control (www.FarPointSpread.com) to load the Excel file on your web server, without needing access to Excel. Then, you have the data and formatting inspreadsheet format that you can do what you need to with. From here, I would suggest creating a DataSet object with the data and then opening a connection to the Sql database to write your DataRows from the DataSet you created.
Scott Shorter
FarPoint Technologies
Hi can u please tell me where this code should be written in an excel sheet.I am using macros to select data from sql and want to export the updated data from excel to sql database.
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