Friday, February 24, 2012

CONVERT Money Char(20)

I have a sql query listed below that I would like to only output values like
'6024', the Bonus values are converted to char(20) from Call_Movement table.
SELECT cast(cast(Bonus as money) as char(20)) like = '6024' from
where DATEDIFF(mi, Start_Time, GETDATE()) <=60
Please help me complete this task.Joe K. wrote:

> I have a sql query listed below that I would like to only output values li
> '6024', the Bonus values are converted to char(20) from Call_Movement tabl
> SELECT cast(cast(Bonus as money) as char(20)) like = '6024' from
> Call_Movement
> where DATEDIFF(mi, Start_Time, GETDATE()) <=60
> Please help me complete this task.
Please post with table structure and simple data and desired output.
if you are not using wildcard then no need to use like in the query
just use =.
Also you can not put = after like and you have to put like operator in
where clause.
Amish Shah

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