Friday, February 24, 2012

Convert Milliseconds to HH:MM:SS

I am writing a report that Queries a SQL DB using 'SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio'. I have a field in the DB called duration and it is in milliseconds. I am trying to find an easy way to convert the format from Milliseconds to HH:MM:SS.

Nearest I can get is the following for the field:

=Int(((Fields!DURATION.Value/1000) / 60) / 60) & ":" & Int(((((Fields!DURATION.Value/1000) / 60) / 60) - Int(((Fields!DURATION.Value/1000) / 60) / 60)) * 60)

The output is in HH:MM. One issue with this is if the MM is say :03, it prints as :3. I lose the leading 0 so 9:03 (9hrs and 3 minutes) prints as 9:3. Where as 9:30 (9 hrs and 30 minutes) prints as 9:30 as it should.

Is there an easier way to do this?



Try using the following expression, which uses the TimeSpan struct.



This is the code I use, using a custom code function. hope it will help


Shared Function FormatTime(ByVal Seconds As Integer) As String
Dim str As String
Dim hour As Integer
Dim min As Integer
str = ""
hour = Abs(Seconds\3600)
min = Abs((Seconds MOD 3600)/60)
If Seconds>= 0
str = iif(hour <= 9, "0" & CStr(hour), FormatNumber(hour, 0, , ,TriState.True)) & ":" & iif(min <= 9, "0" & CStr(min), CStr(min))
str = "-" & iif(hour <= 9, "0" & CStr(hour), FormatNumber(hour, 0, , ,TriState.True)) & ":" & iif(min <= 9, "0" & CStr(min), CStr(min))
End If
return str
End Function

use like this

=Code.FormatTime( Fields!yourfeildname.Value)


this worked good except the seconds come out as a long decimal (09:11:04.982345). How do I round that off. doesn't have to be exact, just need to get rid of the stuff to the right of the decimal.



You should just be able to format the output, or use the format command to convert the displayed output to whatever you require ( see BOL )


|||Try using FromSeconds and convert the milliseconds to seconds whole seconds. Examples,

Without Rounding:


With Rounding:


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